Thursday, March 16, 2006

SL: Cold Shoulder

it hurts when u regard someone as one of your best or even a close friend
but they dont feel the same way, or perhaps their actions dont show it ....

it hurts when someone means so much to you
but u mean nothing to him/her ....

it hurts when u run the extra mile for that someone
but get nothing in return ....

it hurts looking forward to talk to that someone everyday
but when that moment comes, all u get is silence ....

it hurts just knowing the fact that you are nowhere near that someones heart
even though he/she is right in the centre of urs ....


ive put people who i care for in those positions before

i have hurt those who mean a lot to me, even while knowing it

i guess it was because i never knew how it felt like...
how painful it was
to be neglected, disregarded.

but now, i think i do
and its hell

so yeah, this is my pathetic attempt to ask for forgiveness from those whom i have hurt

im sorry.


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