Monday, May 01, 2006


There are two kinds of love, you know. Selfish and unselfish. Most of the times, these two are best-fucking-friends. They come in a package. But more than half of the time, 99% really, our love is selfish. It makes us feel secure, happy, daring or well, it just makes us feel. Good or bad. It gets to the core and damnit, that's enough. I mean, what a riot, right? We really aren't alone on this universe. Wow, there is really someone who would sacrifice so much for me. Selfish love is one that serves you a purpose; it comes with expectancy. & we often mistake this for unselfish love, even in the midst of all the obligations, responsibilities and the vague sense of suffocation- you just can't put your finger on.

So then, what about the unselfish kind?
I'm not gonna lie - I'm not even really sure if i understand it. But i know that it can't be squeezed into a feeble paragraph like I'm going to try to anyway. I'm not too much of a romantic (or at least I pretend not to be), but I don't underestimate real love, if it really does exist. It's unconditional, it's continuous. & here's the thing: it's still unbreakable even when it's not returned. No dependency, no expectancy. When it no longer has to do with your relationship to the other person and it's just something that's crystallized and brilliant, that's love. & The closest allsion I can think of is: Like the way a mother loves a baby. Unselfish love is incapable of hurting.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

TOO DEEP 4 me.....

9:14 AM  
Blogger ShErMâ„¢ said...

what a sophisticated complicated way of writing it.. but i sure do like it.. im sure unselfish love can be just simplified into like u said.. a mother's love for her baby.. uncapable of hurting... but yes 99% percent of our love for our gf or bf esp is selfish love.. simes where did u get this?! love doctor ah!

2:09 PM  

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