Saturday, May 06, 2006

Case Of The Ex

I wonder if anyone can truthfully claim to be on good terms with their ex(s). If you're the dumpee, you let this person rip out your heart and grind it into the dust; and if you're the dumper, you have to live with the twinge of guilt everytime you remember the bewilderment and hurt in their eyes.

Ask anyone about their past and you'll usually get a carefully vague answer from a completely blank face, or, in more extreme cases, a look of anguish or grimace followed by an all out slag-fest.

I guess in some cases, when one party's being all martyr-like, they'll be thinking well okay, so we'll be friends, at least s/he'll still be in my life, then the other party can claim that everything's just peachy. It's really evil.

Things can never go back to the way it was before the relationship. It's like having a stone in your shoe, and although the passing of time dull the awkwardness, I don't think it ever fully goes away.

So after a period of ignoring the stone in your shoe, the way to completely feel comfortable again is to take the stone out, thus ensuring a more comfortable journey on life's road once more. Shouldn't everyone just move along?


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